
Sociodemographics, Clinical profile and Health promotion behaviour of people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

Name of the author: Dr. Shejila CH
Department of the teacher: Medical- Surgical Nursing
Name of the indexing database: · Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) · Embase · Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) · Scopus · Web of Science

Effectiveness of specialist nurse initiated interventions in breast cancer care: A systematic review.

Name of the author: Dr. Shejila CH
Department of the teacher: Medical- Surgical Nursing
Name of the indexing database: Scopus MedLine CINAHL Web of Science - Social Science Index PsychInfo British Nursing Index Web of Science Web of Science - Science Index

Knowledge and practice among insulin self-administration of patients attending OPD

Name of the author: Ms Shine Thomas
Department of the teacher: Mental Health Nursing
Name of the indexing database: research gate, index copernicus, scribd, wikiCFT

Knowledge among mothers regarding early detection of ADHD in preschool children

Name of the author: Ms Shine Thomas
Department of the teacher: Mental Health Nursing
Name of the indexing database: research gate, index copernicus, scribd, wikiCFT

Effect of calisthenics on stress of individuals diagnosed with coronary artery disease

Name of the author: Dr. Shejila CH
Department of the teacher: Medical- Surgical Nursing
Name of the indexing database: research gate, index copernicus, scribd, wikiCFT

Phenomenological Study on Lived Experiences of Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy in a Selected Hospital, Calicut

Name of the author: Dr Sheeja C V
Department of the teacher: Medical- Surgical Nursing
Name of the indexing database: index Copernicus,Scopus,Crossref,ICI,j gate ,

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